Monday, November 24, 2008

i can't stop....


seriously, it's like the "full" sensor is broken, and i cannot stop. luckily i can still fit in my clothes, on the small end, and i still have no idea how... it is a small (LARGE) miracle...

i ate SO much this weekend... chipotle on friday, carrabba's on saturday and PAPA JOHN'S on sunday... seriously, i feel sick just thinking about it. then when i try to eat something healthy my vomit sensors kick in. i was just telling my sister that last when i ate some vegetable crudites my gag reflex was starting to kick in... it was ROUGH! i'm not even being funny... i think i overdid it a couple of weeks ago, and now, the thought of salads and carrot sticks make me want to call earl.... so, now i am apparently making up for all the "healthy" before... please help me.

then tonight, pooks cooked some DELICIOUS pasta, which i had seconds of, and then i had about 10-15 spoonfuls of haagen dazs... i have GOT to start walking.... or else i am going to be the size of a whale soon.... but i did eat some yogurt and a pear today, so that's good right?

in other news, i um, use baby powder as a part of my daily regimen... so, why did i apparently put SO MUCH on, that when pooks saw something on the back of my pants, he batted my behind, which promptly produced a small CLOUD of baby powder. ummmm, yeah, i had a case of the mondays... so i obviously changed. i was half asleep this morning b/c i could NOT go to sleep last night, because i COULD NOT get was miserable. then to add insult to injury.... i ate two servings of ice cream yesterday... and i would like to note that i am lactose-intolerant, so it was fun for EVERYBODY last night. especially pooks! heh.

lastly, i would like each and everyone of you (all 3 of you) to call your siblings (if you have them) and tell them you love them. one of my best friends lost her brother this morning... he didn't tell anyone how sick he was, so no one was prepared... meeehhhhhhhh. so sad.

so leetle one, if you are reading this, I LOVE YOU! SO! VERY! MUCH!

i apologize for the rambling, disjointed post... it will get better. just breaking this thing back in... :-)


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