after a well fought battle over the weekend, i finally conquered the swaths of hair that covered my body AND i washed my hair. for those of you who know me, this was a serious acheivement, especially considering that my leg hair had grown so long i could feel it sway in the breeze as i walked through my apartment. it was pretty bad...
so, i was really excited to go back to work after i had de-viking-nized and experience the world with smoothly shaven skin and hair long down my back. i looked forward to the interaction of people telling me i looked fabulous and that they didn't realize that it was possible for me to have 2 separate eyebrows, and to keep up the good work. well, that happened and then the day dragged on to be one of the most boring and monotonous days ever. that is until today.
during this day i have maybe done a total of 1 1/2 hours of work ALL DAY and it is 3:39 pm. i had no choice but to blog about it because i still have 2 hours until i can leave for home. i've spent my day waiting for people to update and i decided i should do the same. again, as i stated previously, this is an excellent time suck. minutes ago, i had the highlight of my day, when i BURST out of my cube, because i overheard someone talking about somebody i recognized. and then it must be slow for everyone, because EVERYONE came out of their cube to talk about the crazy lady who stretches in the bathroom, in front of the door, in her work clothes, before she goes to the gym, in her work clothes.
oh, wait, this just in! we just had another highlight! a co-worker asked if another co-worker if she had any comments on a document, and her response was to sneeze loudly!! THERE'S YOUR COMMENT LADY! BWAHHH-HAA-HAA......ha. Yeah, it's been pretty boring.
so i'm looking forward to the remedy that i concocted yesterday for these slow, painful days. i have my pooks at home, some DELICIOUS hamburgers (made with ground sirloin), and bacon, and cheese, fresh cut french fries, and a delicious drink we modified from something called a "Friday Freeze". It tastes like a creamsicle.... mmmmm.... also there will be tmz and other mindless tv shows. i'm SO EXCITED. OH, and sweetcakes will be there and he's always good for a laugh (intentional or otherwise). he's been pretty bored too, so we do our best to amuse each other when i get home (get your minds out of the gutter). actually, i wish i had something steamy to share, but i've been so friggin' tired from this lost hour thanks to STUPID DAY LIGHT SAVINGS TIME, that i pass out pretty early, making our most sultry moment of the evening, our good night kiss (a peck). it's been sad... and BORING! there's a theme here!
so, my exciting post-work plans include filling up my half-empty gas tank, so i won't have to fill it up from empty and pay $5,4654,98,976,516,897,198,761,213.01 (because i can never let go of the pump fast enough to avoid taxing on that $0.01). then i will go home and stuff my face with food i have no business eating and that will be the thrill of my evening. or maybe i'll get TWO goodnight pecks, that will liven things up i'm sure, in that there will probably be a string of drool between us, because i've already zonked out and begun my nightly pillow saturations. mmmm, saturations... doesn't that sound SEXY!? yeah, so, a girl can dream.
it's almost 4:00 pm, only 1 1/2 hours to go! thanks internets! you helped me waste a whole 1/2 hour! see you again soon! i've got to check to see if anyone's updated!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Posted by
12:35 PM
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