okay.... so under heavy medication, i.e., vodka and mucinex, i'm watching the hills season premiere on mtv. all i have to say is wow, those are some lucky bitches. you can hate on their shallow personalities all you want, but these bitches are in PARIS! IN FABULOUS CLOTHES!! WITH ARTSY PEOPLE!! AND SEEING THE EIFFEL TOWER LIT UP AND DRINKING CHAMPANGE! hoooowww, good peoples, can i fucking hate on that? truth is, i'm jealous.... straight up, green with envy.
and SPENCER!!! i don't think i have words dirty enough to say how i feel....but i will try. i think he is only fit to clean the smegma of a leperous man's dick. with his tongue (spencer's, not the leppy guy).
that being said, i had a better day today. my head felt less cement-y, but apparently, i still looked like death (EVEN WITH UNDEREYE CONCEALER). i was asked how i was feeling and i said a little better, and they said, "yeah, i can still see it in your face." awesome. this was particularly a sincerely appreciated comment, because i actually made an effort to put on makeup and look presentable. all i could do was just nod my head and say, "yeeeaaah."
my boss and i kind of made up, particularly because he told me that the executive assistant always spells his name wrong, and it becomes "furlick"*. yeah, i had a snotty giggle over that (i had to catch dual snot strands in my palm). but it was so worth it, because, come on.... FURLICK! that is good for giggles for DAYS!
in other news, pooks is out with the boys and i'm left to my own devices for a few hours. hopefully i won't maim myself (knock on wood).
oh, and one quick thing before i go.
*rant on*
i can't stand george w. i can't even watch him on the news or hear his voice because it raises my blood pressure at an alarming rate. so, i got snuck up on this morning while ironing my pants and my back was turned to the tv. i heard them say that bush gave a speech to state that the 4,000 servicemen/women who have served and died over in iraq, have NOT DIED IN VAIN! that pissed me off so bad that i gritted my teeth so hard IT HURT! how can someone be so obtuse and stubborn? it is seriously dumbfounding, pun intended. i hope that in the years, decades to come, that we learn from this. we can't just bring someone in because of pedigree... we've got to see these people for who and what they are, and be honest.
i understand the strong undercurrent of hope in this election, but we MUST be more objective and studious in our choices come this fall. it's already fucked up for us now...let's not fuck it up for our children. because, our next choice for president, will reverberate throughout generations. we are at a precipice, like the yodel dude on price is right. don't be overly optimistic and push him over the edge. be a shrewd american... it's time for us to step up and have our voices heard and seriously fight for what we believe in. it's not mommy and daddy's issue anymore.
just so you know, i haven't made up my mind yet, but this is seriously the most gut-wrenching decision for me. and i hope that this time, my vote actually counts.
*rant off*
hope urrbody has a good wed-nes-day.
*furlick - spelling totally changed to protect my job.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
the hills are alive...
Posted by
4:26 PM
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I watched the premiere too. I just wish they didn't act like such idiots, but I have a feeling it's all for our entertainment.
i'm right there withya on the Bush hate. Blah.
also? I'm sorry for not picking up the phone last night - I just couldn't handle thinking anymore and did some mindless TV watching instead
hopefully the ass-reaming won't be too hard today.
we'll see...
hehe. furlick....yum. did you go to work today?? i called, no answer :(
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