We had Mother's Day breakfast for dinner this evening, since we are spending the actual holiday with our moms tomorrow. We are moving soon, and I REALLY should have done some organizing/purging, but I was at home with my little boy and chose to snuggle and just breathe him in. When his big sister came home, we just hung out on the couch. At one point I had #1 on my left and #2 on my right. I was in a little people sandwich, and it was DELICIOUS!
We took baths early, and I put down Baby D early. He wasn't happy about it, but WHO CARES! Kidding, but ain't nobody got time for a cranky, sleepy baby. TO BED YOU GO! I watched that dang Pioneer Woman on Food Network and made some completely ridiculous cheesy bread to go with our breakfast. As I write this, I am drinking some vino, watching reality TV and just lazing about. I really need to be in bed because we are getting up at o'dark thirty tomorrow to go to church with MIL.
I'm ready to move and get it over with, but I'm not really looking forward to the moving process. It is ALWAYS overwhelming. I just want everything to go smoothly. I want to move in with less, and start off more organized. Easier said than done. But I'm ready... I'm ready for the change. I'm choosing not to approach this change with apprehension, but with expectations of joy and success. I gotta change my mindset if good things are going to happen. This house is gorgeous, and I'm glad that this is a house my children may remember. Plus, there's a pool in the community! :-)
I just can't wait to own forever home. I know it's coming. Probably sooner than we think. We are just on the horizon. Can't wait for a new day. But for right now, we prepare, we plan, and we set expectations, and enjoy life in the meanwhile. Every step will be in preparation for our future. Pre-gaming...
Happy Mother's Day everyone!
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