Wednesday, January 9, 2008

this sh*t right heeere.....


this sh*t right here .... enter kat williams with something socially relevant and hilarious....

sorry, i'm not kat williams. however, i hope that with time you'll grow with me and forgive (accept and laugh at) my transgressions.

i am 30 year old woman, going on 31 within a few short days. i have been inspired by a few fucking fantastic women who share my psychosis, which is attributed to being human. for some reason, we children of baby boomers feel the need for, "i told you so! i can be me and people will like me!" or "fuck the world, no one understands, i am a dark, unloved soul." i fall somewhere in the middle... i am, god forbid, average. i feel all the rage and all the complacency, of being old enough to know the difference between the two, and knowing when it's appropriate to act inappropriately. because, damn, i am a child of the 80s and 90s and don't try to tell me color me badd wasn't sexy... because, seriously, i am GAME for someone who wants to SEX me up. i am a lurker coming to the light.... a few of my favorites:

all and sundry
nabbalicious (please come back)
filtering life
kicky boots
secret agent josephine
no pasa nada
i'm not a girl, not yet a wino
notes from the trenches
the pioneer woman
smitten kitchen

these women, seriously, have inspired me. in advance, please forgive my lack of capitalization, i am a lazy mofo. typing is so much easier without having to press the shift key. i hope that you will all forgive my random and weird posts, but hell, that's what the internets are all about.

i'm starting this for the sake of my new fiance... god give him strength. i hope that through this exercise of keeping a blog, i will be able to keep myself honest and be able to walk the walk, which is so rare nowadays. i'm so tired of, well everything. i'm tired of everything but honesty, and am willing to provide my hide and soul for lambasting and hopefully honest feedback.

but, you know what? as my newly affianced partner harangues me to pay attention to, listen to the minutiae that G4 provides about his slingbox (the ultimate slut for technology inclined men) that i got him for christmas, i feel that i will not be alone in my lamentations. i hope that you will welcome me. i will try my best to visit you often (and hope that you will stop by as well) and provide my interpretation of life through my fucked-up-ness.

welcome to the world of me....

hey, i have to come up with a catchy name....

for blog reasons, i shall call myself...


if you don't know that reference, rent the most hilarious martial arts movie ever.....

the last dragon.....

seriously, with enough, well, lobotomies, you will find this movie hilarious! i lived in germany for 5 years, so i have an excuse! IT WAS CUTTING EDGE! and damn, leeroy was FIIIINE!

here comes the pain, big time!!!! (god help me)

audi 5000... i'm out!


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