Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Hurt and Damaged

This stuff just hurts.  It has made me cry.  Regardless of what may have happened, what happened to "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law"?  I hate that skin color allows for an unlawful speedy right to trial...  Let me just say this:  Everyone has hopes, dreams, and aspirations.  Racism is unfortunately inherent in American culture due to societal and familial indoctrination (on both sides).   It is what it is.  That taints the hopes and dreams that we all have.  Do me a favor everyone:

Remember your mother, your father, grandparents, siblings, etc.   Remember how you stayed up talking, and remembering all the good times from the past, and talked about the future like it was a given?  Your safety was assumed.   Then remember that more than a few families are missing someone deeply, all because their skin was other than peach, and they were judged before they even got into a courtroom.  Realize that they have been judged as evil, just because they were born of a heritage that robbed them of their dignity, indoctrinated them to be submissive, made education a crime, and marked them through the census, and then robbed them of their earned-through-blood right to vote.  How are those who disenfranchised supposed to act?  Isn't that how Anerica was founded?  So why are the ones whose blood was spent in building its wealth not afforded the same dignity as the founding fathers?  WE WERE STOLEN, SOLD AND BROUGHT HERE AS SLAVES!   We have been marked ever since.  How is that fair?  You read that shit, and you tell me how it is fair that we have suffered and systematically been subjected to repeated indignity due to the indelible mark of our heritage?  I fucking dare you.

But really, I fucking dare you to be a better person, to get out of your fucking head and consider those around you.  The funny thing about humans is that we pretty much have the same equipment,but with different camoflauge.  So if YOU'RE cold?  GUESS WHAT?   If your chill is dictated by the weather, the human next to you is probably experiencing the same thing, regardless of the color of their skin.  Remember your family and loved ones, and remember HUMANITY!  Remember that we all know love associated with our family and the pain associated with the loss of it.  We all feel the same shit, why is one more valued than the other?

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